OF CANADA In the early spring of 2000, twenty-seven dedicated Scout Memorabilia collectors in Ontario were contacted to arrange to meet in friendship, as well as to discuss, display and trade Canadian Scout Memorabilia. On June 10th, 2000, twelve Scouting enthusiasts and avid collectors were able to meet at the Kitchener, Ontario Scout House for our first Scout Memorabilia Collector's Meet. At that time it was agreed to formalize the group which is now known as the "Scout Memorabilia Collectors of Canada". Very quickly our original twelve became twenty "Charter Members", each with their own area of expertise. During our initial discussions, it was observed that there was no official catalogue of Canadian Scout items. Thus the seed for this web page was sewn. It is our hope that the club web site, which is a real achievement by several dedicated members, will be an asset to collectors of Canadian Scout memorabilia, worldwide. Recognizing the need to promote memorabilia collecting within the Scouting spirit, we agreed to organize an annual "Display, Learn & Trade Meet". Our fourteenth annual meeting was held June 21, 2014 in Niagara Falls, ON at BP House, the home of the Niagara Scout Museum. Our 2015 annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for the Belleville Scout & Guide Museum on Saturday June 27th, 2015. This is to be confirmed. For more information, please contact our club Secretary (info below). MEMBERSHIP: Official membership to this club is open to any Scouting collector in the world (subject to meeting our Good Standing/By-Law rules --> SMCC Bylaws). The initiation membership fee is $10 Canadian, which helps to cover the initial set up costs and the annual maintenance of the web site. There is also a $5 annual membership maintenance fee. Our year runs from July 1 - June 30. In addition, members will have the opportunity to submit new items to the web site, and to participate in club events and communications. To become a member send correspondence to the address below indicating your name, address, phone, e-mail, position in Scouting, Council/Area, and your collecting preferences. Don't forget to include your payment. The Scout Memorabilia Collectors of Canada